
  • pytube

    • Handle age restricted and live videos
    • Extract video metadata


  • static website template

    Infrastructure as code for continuous deployment of static websites

    CircleCI, Cloudflare, GCP (Cloud Storage, Deployment Manager, IAM)

    wiki, source

  • personal blog

    Personal website and blog using static website template ^

    Jekyll, CircleCI, Docker, Cloudflare, GCP (Cloud Storage, Deployment Manager, IAM)

    wiki, source, deployment

  • aiostorage

    Asynchronous library for cloud object storage

    Python, PyPI, pip, conda, CircleCI, Backblaze, Read the Docs

    wiki, documentation, source

  • mathdruck

    LaTeX web application

    Angular 4, Karma, PhantomJS, Jasmine, MathJax, Bootstrap

    Laravel, MySQL

    AWS EC2

    source (frontend)

    source (backend)

  • cms

    CMS for technical blog posts

    PHP, MySQL, Apache, TinyMCE, MathJax, Google Code Prettify

    AWS EC2


  • linear algebra

    Linear algebra CLI



For Profit

  • zorn capital

    Early-stage quantitative FX hedge fund

    Python, pandas, scipy, MySQL, AWS (EC2, IAM, CodeCommit), GitLab CI/CD, GCP (Cloud Storage, Deployment Manager, IAM), Cloudflare, Webpack

    company website